About Me

Buenas Mierdas?

A direct Spanish translation of the English phrase "good shit", coined as a joke while traveling in Latin America.

When I saw how much it annoyed my Spanish-speaking friends and colleagues ("literally NOBODY says that!"), it became my life's mission to make this phrase part of the lexicon. I started using it everywhere. At INSEAD, it became the rallying cry of my shared house and friend group, used in innumerable contexts. Good food? It was buenas mierdas! An epic Mario Kart victory? That driving was buenas mierdas. Let's dedicate this moment to.... (you guessed it) ...buenas mierdas!

During one random dinner in November, I decided to buy the domain name on a whim. And as I got back into writing a few months later, I figured why not post my writings on my newly-acquired website? The rest is history. 

Proud Californian, UCLA & INSEAD grad, sort of a nomad. 

I started writing as a child, mimicking the fantasy tales I loved reading back then. I moonlighted as a sportswriter in high school and college, reaching my peak on the football beat for The Daily Bruin. It was around then that I realized how much I enjoyed writing, how it enabled me to make sense of my feelings, how it allowed me to consolidate them with my thoughts into a lasting form of personal expression.

This blog was started in 2015, as a place to store and share those writings. Thanks for reading!

While I do love eating mushrooms and consider myself a relatively fun guy, this blog has little to do with toadstools. Indeed, it derives its name from Chapter 4 of The Lord of the Rings, which is my favorite work of literature. It's a sort of tribute to Tolkien, that greatest of fantasy writers and worldbuilders, whose writing illuminated my childhood